
Solution Type

Commercial Independence

System Specifications

Driven by the need for clean energy and a reliable alternative to Eskom, our commitment to solar power became the cornerstone of our sustainability journey. The expansive size of our building naturally accommodated solar panels, providing not only ample space but also an opportunity to nearly eliminate our vulnerability to load shedding.

Beyond just energy efficiency, our embrace of clean energy aligns seamlessly with our brand ethos. We pride ourselves on being environmentally conscious, with initiatives in waste, water, and oil recycling reflecting our commitment to a clean and green approach. This not only enhances our brand image but also opens doors to opportunities that demand environmentally friendly practices.

In our workshop, where load shedding impacts operations, we have implemented a comprehensive solution. A combination of solar panels, battery storage, and a generator ensures uninterrupted power supply. This not only mitigates the challenges posed by load shedding but also addresses the high power consumption of our machines.

In contrast, our administrative block and parts store remain unaffected by load shedding, thanks to the strategic implementation of solar panels and batteries. This setup results in an impressive 66% saving, offering financial resilience amid rising electricity costs.

Considering the ever-increasing expenses associated with power, the solar solution acts as a buffer, shielding us from escalating costs. Even as tenants, the financial impact is favourable, as the increase in rental costs is outweighed by the savings in electricity expenses.

Continuous power availability is a significant advantage, especially during load shedding at night. Our security systems remain operational without the need for expensive generators, setting us apart from neighbours who face such challenges.

The partnership with oneSolar has been instrumental in our solar journey. Their prompt response to issues and proactive support solidifies them as a reliable solar partner. As we continue to navigate the path towards sustainability, oneSolar remains an invaluable ally, and our commitment to solar power is unwavering.

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