
Solution Type

Standard Home

System Specifications

The tipping point for me was when my MacBook battery gave out, highlighting the critical role batteries and backups play in our daily lives. Realising the potential ramifications, I invested a significant amount, addressing a R3000 problem head-on. Previously, our only backup during power outages was for our Wi-Fi, leaving us vulnerable to disruptions.

Viewing power installation as a long-term investment, the decision was straightforward, especially considering my need to work from home. Constant power fluctuations were hindering productivity, compounded by frequent battery replacements for our gate and alarm systems, adding unnecessary expense and frustration.

While I hadn’t set a specific budget for oneSolar, I was impressed with their ability to align with my financial expectations while delivering exceptional results. Now, power outages from Eskom go unnoticed, with load shedding only becoming apparent when friends invite themselves over!

The transformation is evident in our reduced monthly electricity bill, dropping from approximately
R4500 to R1000.

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